The morning sun catches ripples in the deep blue tiled swimming pool. A mother duck (dad close by) leads her ducklings toward the water's edge. They pause, uncertain, at the unfamiliar glistening expanse before them. The little ones cluster at the poolside, some eager, others hesitant; yet one by one they enter the water; the confident, launching in with energy and enthusiasm, contrasting with the more cautious approach of those who need some reassurance before letting go of the edge.
Chenonetta jubata is the scientific name for the Australian Wood Duck. These distant relatives of Donald and Daffy look like small geese and are found throughout Australia. And, while you might see them wandering the streets in more rural areas, the Eddies swimming pool is not your first port of call when thinking about habitats for Wood Ducks. Nevertheless, our latest family was welcomed to our newly renovated pool, mum, dad and four ducklings.
This week we welcomed a new cohort of Year 7 students; importantly, after a hiatus we also welcomed back students from Years 5 and 6. As with all young ones there were some who jumped into the experience with confidence and gusto; others, cautiously dipped their toe in but quickly immersed themselves in the new experience of our place here on the Hill.
For 37 years we have not seen Years 5 and 6 students here at the top of Mary Street, here on the Hill. For 37 years Eddies was not the place to consider for young men in these year levels. Nevertheless, in 2025, like our new pool family, new Years 5 and 6 families will venture into a setting that is, perhaps at first, a bit foreign and a bit daunting.
We are a “5 to 12” school, meaning the transition from primary to middle to senior school is seamless and this will stand in stark contrast to other institutions. After 37 years we are whole again. Eddies fairly bustles with activity — the hum of classrooms, the clatter of lunchboxes, the laughter sounding through the yard. I have no doubts that it won’t take long before the foreign and daunting becomes the familiar and enjoyable.
Welcome to all our new students and families. Welcome to the Eddies Team. Welcome back to all our families. Welcome to another action-packed year; here’s to new challenges, new experiences and new horizons.
New Staff and Appointments 2025
Welcome to the following staff who join the Eddies Team this year.
- Pamela Brown - Classroom Teacher – Maths & RE
- Helen Buckell - Classroom Teacher – Maths
- Harry Cottle - Strength & Conditioning Coach
- Tehani Croft - HoD – Information Services & Learning Resources
- Maioha Gregory - Director of Students
- Justin Muller - Inclusive Education Teacher Aide
- Emma Murfet - Inclusive Education Teacher Aide
- Rebecca Noble - Classroom Teacher – Visual Art, English
- Michael Webb - Classroom Teacher – ITD
They join an active professional learning community and will no doubt enrich the lives of our young men, assisting them to develop the knowledge and skills they need for the future.
Class of 2024
I’m always fascinated when schools advertise impressive infographics outlining statistics with respect to ATAR. Such information must be released to schools by the students themselves and so can sometimes be limited in scope. Having said this, from the information we have, our young men performed admirably.
Congratulations to Lex Bilicki who achieved an ATAR of 97.8 and Joshua Avenell on achieving 97.55. Well done gentlemen.
Some other highlights include:
- Daniel Nugent and Dominic Oddi achieved 5As and 1B in their 6 General subjects.
- Josh Avenell, Blake Bailey and Sam Milen achieved 24 out of 25 in the English external exam.
- Mark Njombo and Patrick Janssen achieved 24 out of 25 in the Music external exam.
- Jarrod Lauron achieved 24 out of 25 in the Modern History and Study of Religion external exams.
- Lex Bilicki and Daniel Nugent achieved 47 out of 50 in the Mathematical Methods external exam.
- Lex Bilicki achieved 48 out of 50 in the Physics external exam.
As well as excellent results in external examinations 99 of our young men completed at least one VET qualification. Special mention must be made of Kyran Broderick and Ethan Battensby who worked hard to complete four certificate qualifications.
In last year’s senior class, 65 students earned a Certificate III qualification with 7 students earning Certificate IV qualifications. Additionally, 34 of last year’s cohort commenced a School-Based Apprenticeship.
Well done to all the young men of the 2024 cohort, you deserve every affirmation and acclamation that comes your way.